Education in Israel - A Key to Economic Growth, Security, and a Better Society 

During its first decades, Israel's education system succeeded in laying the groundwork for the country's hi-tech economy and world class universities. The system, however, is no longer working. In recent years, Israeli pupils have been scoring at the bottom of the list of 25 OECD countries in the standardized PISA exam, which measures scholastic performance in math, science, and reading. They also score below average in the TIMMS assessments of math and science knowledge. To survive in its complex environment, Israel cannot afford anything less than the best in science education.

graph: average in PISA exams in 25 OECD countries
Source: A Picture of the Nation, 2014. The Taub Center

To answer this crucial need, Hod HaCarmel seeks to build, implement, and disseminate a new educational paradigm.

Toward a School System that Works

What needs to be done to remedy Israel's underperforming school system is clear. In 2007, McKinsey & Co. published a study analyzing the achievements of the world's best performing school systems as indicated by standardized international tests, interviews with over 100 experts and policy makers in the field and visits to over two dozen school systems in Asia, Europe, North America and the Middle East. The study revealed that the main driver of educational performance in the world's best schools is teacher quality. Students who learn with high-performing teachers progress three times faster than those placed with low performing teachers. 

How the World's Best Performing School Systems Come Out on Top. McKinsey & Co., 2007

In primary school, students who study with low performing teachers are put at an irreversible educational disadvantage. McKinsey concluded that highly effective school systems:
  • Get the right people to become teachers.
  • Help these teachers continue to develop their pedagogical skills.
  • Ensure that every child is able to benefit from excellent instruction. 
Despite these findings, Israel's teachers remain underpaid and undertrained. This places a tremendous burden on good teachers already in the system, and it discourages potentially high quality teachers from entering or remaining in the profession.
Hod HaCarmel will use these insights, together with its own 50 years of experience in preschool education, to build a science-intensive K-12 school that works.

We invite you to partner with us in establishing the Hod HaCarmel School for Excellence in Science. More information is available at this link.

Partner with us

Hod HaCarmel School for Excellence in Science - Educational Center for Children - Israeli Registered NGO no. 580535540
Denya 25, Haifa, Israel, 3491205
 I  Mobile +972-546-348152  I  Office: +972-4-8253901 (ext-0)  I  Fax: +972-4-8257305  I  Email: